

Today I woke up and the ground was white...not yet snow...but frosty...frosty enough that I am loving our new pellet stove.

To me...frosty mornings mean warm breakfasts, so I dug out the container of oatmeal and settled in with a mug of coffee. From a nutrition perspective, oatmeal is great...high fibre, a wholegrain...where people go wrong with oatmeal is the "instant" packaged stuff. Some of those packaged pouches (i.e. maple brown sugar) have MORE sugar than a bowl of Fruit Loops!

I'm not disputing the fact that plain old oatmeal requires a little something; however, some packaged oatmeals have the equivalent of 4-5tsp of sugar per POUCH! Most grown adults would have 2 pouches--that is like starting your day with a can of pop (10-12tsp of sugar per can)! Not to mention the sodium that is packed into the instant packaged variety.

Nutrition Diva Recommendation of the day:
Make your own oatmeal...from normal quick cooking oats...all the bags have microwave directions..so it is just as EASY! Save yourself the extra empty calories and sodium found in the packaged stuff. If you're really stuck up for the convenience of it being in a package..check out Blue Menu instant oatmeal...at least it is lower in sodium with no added sugar.

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